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Where we Begin

The history of our lore follows, up until the set time below, earth's history to make things simple. As a general rule most major events will be referenced in this page.

2125 - Terraforming Begins

Earth begins unifying under the Mars terraforming process. The larger nations across the globe pool resources to complete what they believe will be an extremely profitable venture.

2131 - Abhuman Adaptation

Abhuman adaption is invented and quickly becomes a commercial success as various groups begin to modify themselves for planned travel off planet once available.

2139 - New Homeworlds

Other planets that are habitable are discovered, abhuman modifications skyrocket to fit the demand of planetary adaption in other star systems. A slow form of hyper speed is then created, undergoing heavy development in parallel with colony ships being forged to send large population groups to these new star systems.

2153 - Pending Financial Collapse

Sol, that is, Earth starts to bankrupt itself on its mars terraforming project, incurring massive debt that causes hyperinflation and a failing economy.

2154 - Escape from Sol

Massive groups of populations flee to other systems for a new life, abandoning the failing Sol system.

2275 - Terraforming Complete

The Mars terraforming project is completed but Sol has bankrupted itself. A period of extreme strife follows for the next century with Mars and Earth falling into decline and the tycoons who worked up the debt through the terraforming project seize all material wealth left before fleeing on colony ships to other systems.

2383 - Bluespace FTL Invented

The remaining stable areas of Mars and Earth, seeking to find a way to fix the economic and political stability, invent the bluespace FTL drive. A revolutionary faster than light travel device capable of cutting trips that once would have taken decades to a few weeks.

2384 - War Preparation

Sol begins a propaganda campaign, blaming all their ills on the fleeing colonists, claiming that they stole the wealth that rightfully belonged to them. Over the next three years the remaining despairing Sol citizens are rallied under a desperate banner to bring peace to their worlds.

2387 - War Begins

Sol begins the unification wars after weaponizing bluespace drives and pooling the last of their resources into a militarily industrial complex, mass producing ships, soldiers, weaponry, and armaments.

2387-2562 - The Conquering

Several centuries of warfare follow, with Sol utterly destroying, annexing, conquering, or forcing all abhuman and human empires to join them. The first phase begins with what is commonly called the Twenty-Year Harrowing, where Sol forces refused any surrender or peace terms, utterly devastating and conquering all nearby star systems in a bloody display of military might. This sets the stage for the remaining centuries of conflict, causing many systems to surrender the moment the Sol fleet entered their star space.

After this twenty year period of intense bloodshed, Sol resigns in its devastating methods and begins using the reputation gained and its rapidly growing industry it has developed to quickly recruit potential conquests through more peaceful means.

2565 - Unified Federation

By this time period all major empires of human or abhuman origin have been absorbed into the Sol Federation, those remaining were either too distant to be profitable by conquering or unworthy of bothering with due to low value and means. With humanity united, Sol begins a fervent expansion into other areas of space by terraforming new planets and seeking more distant areas for colonization. It is at this time that humanity begins to discover intelligent alien life.

2567 - Mar'qua Alliance

With its beginning expansionism the Sol federation is contacted by the Mar’qua sovereignty who had discovered humanity decades ago and had begun learning of them. A peace treaty and defensive contract is set up on mutually agreed upon terms, Sol leverages its superior numbers, military, and economy against Mar'qua's advanced technology in a mutually beneficial agreement. An uneasy peace is now in place as both empires work together. The federation eager to get its hands on Mar’qua technology while the sovereignty seeks using the federation as a cudgel to protect its borders.

2569 - Greyson Positronics

The small corporation known as Greyson Positronics is formed by joint federation factions interested in pushing the boundaries of robotics, cybernetics, and mechanical augmentation. The company quickly becomes a massive spanning corporation across the universe thanks to open use of artificial intelligence and robots filling a massive portion of the work force. Many notable inventions begin and end with Greyson and by 2596 this corporation owns enough planets, armaments, and forces to rival a small empire.

2572 - Akula Colonization

Sol discovers the homeworld of the Akula. Sol quickly began to colonize the planet, supplying weapons to factions that are pro-Sol to easily conquer the planet in three years, making the Akula official SolFed citizens. Introduction of Akula soldiers and shock troopers are added to military offensives, further increasing the might of federation forces.

2577-2620 - Period of Discovery

Many new species are discovered, with notable ones being listed below in order of importance. Smaller, weaker alien empires are slowly absorbed by the ever expanding Sol Federation borders with many joining willingly and some fighting a losing battle, being annexed shortly after.

2580 - Naramad

The homeworld of the primitive Naramad are discovered, the leaders of the Naramadi people mistakenly attack the federation ambassadors, believing they are a similar looking native fauna that stole from them. Retaliation is swift and brutal as the federation decreed this a defensive war and dispatched Mar’qua forces from the war council to handle the situation, with the stipulation of no orbital bombardment to preserve planetary industry. In a handful of months the planet is brought to its knees and quickly annexed. Its people are conscripted into the Sol military as shock troops and ship-to-ship breaching parties.

2582 - Sablekyne

The existence of the Sablekyne home-world is revealed to the Federation through Oni, LLC who had long ago contacted what they believed to be an alien race. Genetic testing later revealed they were a lost abhuman colony ship that had forgotten its human origins before being uplifted for corporate mining interests. The Sablekyne readily and happily accept integration into the Sol Federation finding a wide variety of uses in the civilian and military sectors.

2583 - Opifex

Opifex ships are discovered by the Mar’qua Observitorium, confirming a century long rumor of scavengers who targeted derelict ships, space hulks, and unprotected colonies. Contact is established and the main Opifex scavenger fleets are eased into an non-aggression treaty. Shortly after, Opifex ships begin attacking and raiding enemies of the Sol Federation for unconfirmed reasons.

2600 - Cht'mant

The Cht’mant are discovered on a planet marked for resource harvesting due to its hostile environment being unfit for human colonization. The Cht’mant are originally mistaken for animals until a hive queen learns to imitate and use English common. The Soteria Institute, a xenobiological research orgnization working with the federation at the time deemed the Cht’mant worth study and collected several hive queens and remaining Cht’mants from the planet. After a brief period of study and secondary schooling, the race remaining Cht’mants were released to there own devices.

2601 - Cindarite

The Cindarite are discovered by rebel pirates in there irradiated death world. Federation forces descended on pirates in the sector, capturing or destroying most ships before a well known pirate struck a deal to reveal all of his information and contacts with the Cindarites located below the surface of there death world. Federation forces quickly initiated diplomatic operations and recruited the Cindarite for there highly specialized evolution in toxic living conditions. Many Cindarites became spacers, spending there entire lives on various ships, allowing them to become well known in a short space of time.

2605 - Kriosan

The Kriosan Empire is discovered by the Federation and quickly annexed to gain access to their valuable anti-orbital weapons platforms, and the governing dictatorship agrees to terms of surrender, if only officially. Rioting was frequent, but quelled quickly by Solar MPs and Kriosan Police.

2625 - The Second Conquering

Sol continues its aggressive expansion, preparing to conquer the small left over empires of abhumans/humans. Rumors and missives are abound that a new unification war is about to begin and those who have resisted federation control will soon be conquered, annexed, or given a chance to surrender. Many speculate that this new series of wars will be to spread through out the galaxy as decades of preparation begins.

2628 - Greyson Positronics

The mega corp spanning across the known galaxy Greyson Positronics collapses for an unknown reason. All synthetics, artificial intelligence, and robots under the Greyson network go haywire and begin slaughtering any and all nearby organics. Many areas exclusively owned by Greyson quickly become dead worlds that are abandoned and rendered off limits. Greyson industries and colonies were built on hostile or worthless planets for its cost benefit, as a result federation forces decline wasting resources clearing out these areas as there is little gain. Strategic spots on the galaxy scale and profitable locations are destroyed and reclaimed. The remaining organic Greyson employees who escaped the initial conflict formed the Xinjiang and quickly become enemies of the Sol Federation upon discovery of using biomorphs.

2644 - The Colony Forms

The Nadezhda Coalition is formed by several dissonant factions and fleets of ships prepare to leave for a distant world known as Amereth on the edge of the galaxy. Many ships filter in over the year before the final one, the Soteria fleet, crash lands upon the surface after using an experimental inter-star system teleporter. This event marks the last of the largest ships arriving upon the colony, but smaller transport shuttles filter in over the next few years.

2645 - Bluespace Crash

Bluespace as it is understood crashes, completely and utterly rendering all bluespace devices unstable, with long range devices such as teleporters and bluespace drives becoming so unstable using them is assuredly a death wish. Short range devices prove to still function, yet many show signs of instability and formerly unknown bugs that cause new hazards with use. A large splinter faction calling itself the Vorhut launched a rebellion across the Kriosan Empire, re-establishing Castellan rule and Imperial sovereignty at the cost of around half the rebel forces.

2649 - Present Day

The colony is entirely cut off from the rest of the galaxy due to the bluespace crash, with only the nearby Kriosan Confederacy able to easily communicate with them. Relations and trade agreements are quickly established.