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The steward is the personal guard and assistant to the premier and entrusted with his safety due to his broad range of access and ability to veto the council decisions. The steward is given an advanced rig suit and discrete weaponry to fulfill this goal and are expected to follow the premier at all times. The steward only takes orders from the premier and may ignore any orders from the blackshield commander or warrant officer, even during a code red or code delta scenario. The only exception is if the steward is found guilty of a crime, in which they are demoted immediately while serving their sentence.

Being a Steward

The Steward is one of the most versatile roles on the station. You are to strictly follow the premier and fulfill any order they ask within reason, provided it breaks neither the Laws or Standard Operating Procedure. Protection of the premier is your primary focus and at no times should you allow the premier to unlawfully come to harm. You are given a your suit comes with a medical suite, some non-lethal weaponry, plus a storage box and AI container if you find a pAI. However, despite your advanced suit and given weapons you are also the premier's assistant and will often be asked to stamp files, sign paperwork, write out paperwork, and fetch coffee. Such orders are required for you to follow as long as it does not put the premier at risk or left unprotected/alone for too long.

Special: Stewards are volunteers, and while normally selected from marshal or blackshield regulars, anyone with the appropriate skills may volunteer and doing so does not count against your department limit.

Despite having access, you may not freely take any weapons, armor, or supplies from either the security or bridge armory. You are given all you need for your job within your room and additional equipment must be obtained by either purchasing it from cargo, the supply specialist, or scavengers. Taking anything from either armory will result in you being charged with grand theft and exceeding official powers in addition to an immediate non-negotiable demotion with possible permanent barring from taking this position again.

Your Role

The steward as only a handful of rules:

  • Protect the Premier at all costs.
  • Ensure the premier does not break any laws and if so, report and peacefully detain (Do not stun or cuff unless they just committed a violent crime or attempt to flee) them until a Marshal arrives to relieve you.
  • Stay with the premier at all times, unless ordered otherwise.
  • Never act as a Marshal or leave the Premier unprotected to chase an assailant or criminal. You may break up a potentially harmful fight or attempt to stun a criminal if you believe someone other than you or the premier may come to harm but you may not pursue a criminal. You cannot legally arrest anyone, but if you stun a criminal detainment is not unreasonable to allow time for Marshals to arrive.
  • A steward may respond to any attempt to stun or injure himself or the premier with lethal or non-lethal force. If such a reaction results in the death of an attacker the slaying is deemed self defense even if the attacker used non-lethal weaponry pending a marshal investigation. Keep in mind this only applies to attacks directly towards the steward or premier, a steward may not use lethal force on someone using non-lethal weapons to attack someone who isn't a premier or steward. It is also strongly encouraged to use stunning weaponry to counter stunning weaponry, but lethal responses are allowed to avoid letting the premier (and his all access badge) fall into the wrong hands.
  • If a code red must be established and no other heads of staff are present for a second swipe your badge can be used. This should only be done if other heads of staff are not present or incapable of swiping their badge.

Your Suit

To aid you in your work to both protect and aid the premier you are given a rig suit that comes with a few standard features and can be upgraded with better batteries and additional suit modules. Your suit can also deploy extremely quickly and unlike most suits is so light that it does not impede movement. In addition your gloves are insulated to protect you from shocks while making you uncuffable, your armor disperses (though does not make you immune) to taser shocks, and your boots are slip-proof. It also comes with some layer of EMP shielding, but be wary of such weaponry as it will fry your battery.

Your starting modules:

  • A shoulder mounted taser
  • A palm mounted flash
  • A built in medical HUD visor
  • A hand mounted medical scanner
  • A basic chemical injector stocked with standard healing chemicals
  • An AI container for a pAI to be slotted in
  • A storage compartment that functions as an additional bag

Your suit should also be loaded with the appropriate equipment to fulfill your tasks. It's highly recommend you keep at least one folder loaded with papers, your stamp, the laptop you will find in your quarters, and spare ammo within your suits storage compartment.


You have absolutely no authority over any other crew member and conversely nobody has authority over you besides the premier, faction owners, and special circumstances during code delta. This means that any command given by any head of staff may be treated as a suggestion and nothing more. Keep in mind that neither you, nor the premier, are above Standard Operating Procedure or the Laws. You should comply with all reasonable orders and report any violations from the premier to the council. You are in many ways both his right hand and his watch dog, so keep in mind, absolute loyalty is expected but ultimate loyalty is to the colony itself.

Roleplaying Tips

  • In terms of roleplaying, you have a lot of freedom. You should really have some basic knowledge of medical triage (for helping the premier if they get injured), an advanced understanding of combat, and general knowledge of the station lay out.
  • You should always be aware of standard operating procedure and the expectation of the law. You and the premier are not only beholden to it, but will be demoted quite quickly if you break it.
    • Do NOT run around the station chasing criminals. That's someone else's job
  • Don't think that just because you're the steward, that you can do anything you want. That's the absolute worst thing to do. You're there to make protect the premier and be his errand boy, nothing more.
  • That said, you aren't required to put up with bullshit from anyone. If someone actively tries to push you around, obstruct you in the halls, or otherwise interfere with your duty to protect the Premier, introduce them to your suits stunning weaponry if they actively prevent you from fulfilling your role.
  • If you or your premier are attacked with any kind of lethal force, you are allowed and expected, but not required, to kill your attacker without hesitation or mercy. If you think you can talk them down without getting anyone else hurt, you are encouraged to try. You are still a person under all that fancy armor, after all.
  • If, heavens forbid, the Premier is killed or gravely wounded, it is your immediate priority to stabilize their condition if you are capable of doing so, and transport them to medical. If anyone except for a doctor attempts to stop you from doing so, stun them, if they continue, you are legally allowed to respond with lethals.

Jobs on Sojourn


Command Premier, Steward, Militia Commander, Warrant Officer, Guild Master, Chief Research Overseer, Chief Biolab Overseer, Confessor, Chief Executive Officer
The Marshals Warrant Officer, Officer, Supply Specialist, Ranger
Blackshield Militia Commander, Sergeant, Corpsman, Blackshield_Trooper
The Guild Guild Master, Guild Adept
Soteria Medical Chief Biolab Overseer, Soteria Doctor, Soteria_Paramedic, Soteria_Psychiatrist, Soteria_Orderly
Soteria Science Chief Research Overseer, Soteria_Scientist, Soteria_Roboticist
Prospectors Expedition Foreman, Prospector, Salvager
The Church Confessor, Brother_Chaplain
Lonestar & Civilian Chief Executive Officer, Bartender, Gardener, Chef, Janitor, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Citizen
Colony-Bound AI, Robot, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse